Based2Earn is reinventing social engagement on Telegram, turning every interaction into a chance to earn "based points." This innovative system lets you boost or diminish points with +1 or -1 votes, impacting the community leaderboard. By linking your Twitter and wallet, you dive deeper into a world where Community isn't just chat—it's an opportunity for influence and reward. With features like leaderboard rankings and point transfers, Based2Earn isn't just a token—it's a gateway to a new era of community interactions, redefining your online presence.


Based2Earn is reinventing social engagement on Telegram, turning every interaction into a chance to earn "based points." This innovative system lets you boost or diminish points with +1 or -1 votes, impacting the community leaderboard. By linking your Twitter and wallet, you dive deeper into a world where Community isn't just chat—it's an opportunity for influence and reward. With features like leaderboard rankings and point transfers, Based2Earn isn't just a token—it's a gateway to a new era of community interactions, redefining your online presence.


Based2Earn is reinventing social engagement on Telegram, turning every interaction into a chance to earn "based points." This innovative system lets you boost or diminish points with +1 or -1 votes, impacting the community leaderboard. By linking your Twitter and wallet, you dive deeper into a world where Community isn't just chat—it's an opportunity for influence and reward. With features like leaderboard rankings and point transfers, Based2Earn isn't just a token—it's a gateway to a new era of community interactions, redefining your online presence.



Phase One

⁃ Launch

⁃ Based Bot Release

⁃ Revenue Sharing

Phase One

⁃ Launch

⁃ Based Bot Release

⁃ Revenue Sharing

Phase two

⁃ Marketing Campaign

⁃ Influencer Outreach

⁃ Community Giveaways

Phase two

⁃ Marketing Campaign

⁃ Influencer Outreach

⁃ Community Giveaways

Phase Three

⁃ Giga Based Chads In

⁃ Coinmarketcap Listing

⁃ CEX Listing

Phase Three

⁃ Giga Based Chads In

⁃ Coinmarketcap Listing

⁃ CEX Listing








Buy Tax

Buy Tax



Sell Tax

Sell Tax

Total Supply: 1 Million Based2Earn

Total Supply: 1 Million Based2Earn

Disclaimer: Based2Earn comes with a 4% tax on buy/sell transactions, with 2% allocated for revenue sharing and another 2% dedicated for marketing.To ensure safety, the contract will be initially locked for a 90-day period and ownership will be completely renounced. It's important to keep in mind that investing in Based2Earn carries its risks, including significant price fluctuation in the token's value. Always DYOR carefully and exercise caution.

Disclaimer: Based2Earn comes with a 4% tax on buy/sell transactions, with 2% allocated for revenue sharing and another 2% dedicated for marketing.To ensure safety, the contract will be initially locked for a 90-day period and ownership will be completely renounced. It's important to keep in mind that investing in Based2Earn carries its risks, including significant price fluctuation in the token's value. Always DYOR carefully and exercise caution.

Disclaimer: Based2Earn comes with a 4% tax on buy/sell transactions, with 2% allocated for revenue sharing and another 2% dedicated for marketing.To ensure safety, the contract will be initially locked for a 90-day period and ownership will be completely renounced. It's important to keep in mind that investing in Based2Earn carries its risks, including significant price fluctuation in the token's value. Always DYOR carefully and exercise caution.

Contract Address: 0x5FbBCb10E6b5D77Af178643B70E92EA024277C34

Contract Address: 0x5FbBCb10E6b5D77Af178643B70E92EA024277C34

*Revenue sharing is restricted to holders only.

*Revenue sharing is restricted to holders only.